Tuesday, October 14, 2014

2B or not 2B

Text messaging generated around 70 billion dollars in 2005.  That is over 3 times more than the Hollywood Box Office returns in that year.  That statistic is astounding considering there were only 35 texts sent per customer each month in 2001.  There is an article that debates whether or not texting is ruining the modern English language.  The argument is from John Humphrey who says, "Texters are vandals who are destroying our grammar, and pillaging our punctuation."  He has been proven wrong by a few studies that show that texting actually improves your variety and way of thinking of words.  You have to be very familiar with verbs and nouns to be able to punctuate so efficiently.  It is almost like creating a new language when people can understand one another when saying "TTYL" (talk to you later), "BRB" (be right back), or "G2G" (got to go).  Although you can understand Humphrey's point, it just isn't true.